Schools and Organization’s Choose Recipients
The majority of the Foundation’s scholarships are administered through high schools, colleges and local organizations, and grants issued are payable to the schools or colleges/universities. The Foundation does not directly accept any applications for these scholarships.
Students who would like to learn more about these scholarships and how to apply for these scholarships are encouraged to contact their school’s guidance or financial aid department.
Scholarships for elementary school and high school students pursuing a Catholic education are:
Notre Dame High School
Tuskes Family Scholarships
At least three types of scholarship will be available each year, as follows:
- Graduating Senior Scholarship
- Rising Freshman Scholarship from St. Jane Frances de Chantal School to Notre Dame High School
- Rising Freshman Scholarship from Our Lady of Perpetual Help School to Notre Dame High School
- Rising Freshman Scholarship from Holy Family School to Notre Dame High School
- Current Notre Dame High School Student Scholarship
Scholarships for high school graduates pursuing a post-secondary education are:
Bethlehem Area School District
Debra ‘Frau’ Brown Memorial Scholarship
Truman L. Frey, Jr. Scholarship
Bob Swick Memorial Scholarship
Betty Williams Memorial Scholarship
Bethlehem Area School District or Bethlehem Catholic High School
Senior Woman’s Club of Bethlehem Scholarship
Bethlehem Catholic High School
Catherine Hilaire Thompson Nursing Scholarship
Boys and Girls Club of Bethlehem
Edwin F. Van Billiard Scholarship
Fleetwood Area High School
Arthur E. & Myrl G. Schaeffer Scholarship
Hanover Township Memorial Golf Tournament Scholarship
Lehighton Area High School
Damian C. Mele Memorial Scholarship Fund
Liberty High School
Gene Buckno Memorial Scholarship (Accounting)
Nazareth High School
Bob Swick Memorial Scholarship
Northern Lehigh High School
Ann C. Bernard Memorial Scholarship
Notre Dame High School
Tuskes Family Scholarship
Parkland High School
Parkland High School Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund
Frederick W. Hahn Memorial Scholarship
Gary D. Martz Class of 1974 Scholarship Fund
Anthony Severo Memorial Scholarship
Justin Sheftel Scholarship
Phillipsburg High School
William & Jamie Soukup Reid Memorial Scholarship
Wilson High School
Wilson High School 2006 Football Champions Scholarship
Scholarships for students attending the following post-secondary institutions are:
Case Western Reserve University
Dr. Joseph Perna & Hilda Perna Memorial Scholarship
DeSales University, Department of Nursing & Health
Sue Ratzell Scholarship for Nursing
The Juilliard School
Raymond-Cryder Scholarship
Moravian College & St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing
Reverend Douglas Caldwell Nursing Scholarship
Northampton Community College
Beall Fowler Northampton Promise Scholarship
Simmons University, School of Nursing & Health Sciences
Carol (Rodgers) Jaffe & Donald Jaffe Scholarship
St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing
Elizabeth Behr Agocs Scholarship
West Chester University
Raymond-Cryder Scholarship
College/University Located in Lehigh, Northampton, Carbon, and Monroe Counties
Buckno Lisicky Scholarship (Accounting)
Scholarships for Veterans Pursuing a Post Secondary STEM Education at a Lehigh Valley College or University
Andrew Budraitis Foundation Scholarship
ASK HOLLY | Ask me about the scholarship opportunities at the Community Foundation

Holly Fitzpatrick
Grants Administrator
Lehigh Valley Community Foundation
840. W. Hamilton Street, Suite 310
Allentown, PA 18101