Choosing a Cause
An area-of-interest fund supports programs & initiatives that tackle issues of your choosing, such as the environment, camperships, or no-kill animal shelters. The Community Foundation leverages donors’ resources with other like-minded people who care to have a greater impact than any one of us could make alone. From personalized foundations, unique asset gifts and legacy planning, we manage a diverse portfolio of charitable giving solutions.
Foundation-directed area-of-interest fund awards grants based on LVCF’s own community research to identify charitable programs in the specified area-of-interest.
- Frances L. Barnard Fund for Children
- Walter & Alma Bastian Fund
- Barbara & Maxwell Davison Fund for Alzheimer’s Care
- The Edward & Inez Donley Fund
- Richard E. Gasser Fund
- Good Neighbor Fund
- Janice and Paul Gross Fund for Youth & Families
- Barry M. and Diane E. Kessler Fund for Social Justice
- Lehigh River Fund
- Erwin J. & Gertrude K. Neusch Fund
- Outdoor Recreation Fund for Youth
- Robert D. & Gwendolyn-Jane Romeril Campership Fund
- Margaret Haas Rotunno Memorial Fund for Local No Kill Shelters
- William C. Rybak Fund for Persons with Disabilities
- Leonard A. Wenzel Memorial Fund for South Bethlehem
- Gene & Joan Witiak Fund
Donor-directed area-of-interest fund awards grants based on the recommendations of a community committee that oversees a specific initiative.
- Any Given Child Bethlehem Fund
- City of Bethlehem Celebration Fund
- Downtown Allentown Community Development Initiative
- Every 15 Minutes Fund
- Galaxy Fund at Lehigh Valley Community Foundation
- Lehigh Valley Coalition for Kids Fund
- Lehigh County Medical Society Education Fund
- Lehigh Valley Homeless Veterans Fund
- Northampton County Bar Association Charitable Fund
- PPL Electric Utilities Operation HELP Fund
- Saucon Sanctuary Fund
ASK CARRIE | If you would like to find out how to make your charitable giving easy, local, and impactful contact Carrie.

Carrie Krug Nedick, CAP®
Director of Donor Services
840 West Hamilton Street, Suite 310, Allentown, PA 18101
610 351-5353 Ext. 10 |